for Papers
The Visual Arts and Music in
Renaissance Europe c. 1400-1650, até 4 de Novembro
The Artist-as-Curator, até 15
de Novembro
The volume will survey artist-curator activities thematically, geographically, and through in-depth treatments of + info:
The volume will survey artist-curator activities thematically, geographically, and through in-depth treatments of + info:
The Production of
Ornament: Reassessing the Decorative in History and Practice, até 13 de
The conference will explore
the production of ornament across a broad range of historical and
geographical contexts. We invite proposals from researchers and
postgraduates working in any discipline, as well as practitioners,
conservators and curators. Proposals of no more than 300 words, along with
a CV, should be sent to Dr Richard Checketts and Dr Lara Eggleton at by Friday the 13th
of December 2013.
Workshop de Estudos Medievais 2014, até 15 de Dezembro
Os trabalhos de investigação apresentados no WEM são
publicados anualmente na Incipit, edição digital online do GIHM no site da
Biblioteca Digital da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto (
British Waters and Beyond:
Cultural Significance of the Sea since 1800, até 31 de Dezembro
Proposals: 250 word abstracts
for 20 minute papers, by December 31st 2013. Proposals should be
emailed to
For further information please contact: Joel Edwards, RWA Learning and Resources manager: or Dr Robert Burroughs, School of Cultural Studies and Humanities, Leeds Metropolitan University:
For further information please contact: Joel Edwards, RWA Learning and Resources manager: or Dr Robert Burroughs, School of Cultural Studies and Humanities, Leeds Metropolitan University:
New Histories of the Irish,
English, Scots, Dutch and Other Colleges Founded on the Continent in the Early
Modern Period, até 14 de Janeiro de 2014
Iconography in Modern Art, até 15 de Fevereiro de 2014
Eight Conference of Iconographic Studies, Rijeka
(Croatia), June 4 - 06, 2014.
Paper proposals should be
submitted to: Center for Iconographic Studies | Faculty of
Humanities and Social Sciences | University of Rijeka
| Sveucilisna avenija 4 | 51 000 Rijeka | Croatia. Or by e-mail
A paper proposal should contain: full name, address, phone number(s), e-mail address; title; abstract (maximum 2 pages). Deadline: February 15, 2014.
A paper proposal should contain: full name, address, phone number(s), e-mail address; title; abstract (maximum 2 pages). Deadline: February 15, 2014.
Conferência "Entre Utopia e Realidade: Imagens,
Sons e Cores do Bairro de Lata", com Simone Kalkman e Pedro Lobo, 11 de
Outubro, 17h-19h30, Universidade de Évora
Conferência "Goya. Retratista da Sociedade do seu
Tempo", por Gudrun Maurer, 11 de Outubro, 18h, Museu Nacional de Arte
Antiga, Lisboa
A Feira pretende promover o sector do património
cultural nacional enquanto bem que cria valor económico e social, sendo
factor de atracção turística, gerador de receitas e fomentador do emprego.
+ info:
+ info:
Colóquio "Os Rostos de Lisboa", 24 a 26
de Outubro, Sala do Arquivo dos Paços do Concelho, Lisboa
Seminário "La Restauración Monumental en
España entre los Años Treinta y Setenta del Siglo XX. Continuidad y
Ruptura", 29 a 30 de Outubro, Sevilha, Espanha
IV Colóquio Internacional História da Construção:
Perspectivas Actuais, 7 e 8 de Novembro, Universidade do Minho, Braga
+ info:
+ info:
Colóquio "Museus, Palácios e Mercados de
Arte", 28 de Novembro, 9h-18h, Palácio Nacional da Ajuda, Lisboa
Entrada gratuita com inscrição prévia.
Recursos Electrónicos