segunda-feira, 25 de novembro de 2013

Divulgação APHA

Calls for Papers

Studi di Memofonte in Memoria di Francis Haskell, até 24 de Novembro
La Fondazione Memofonte intende rendere omaggio alla figura di Francis Haskell dedicandogli il n. 12 della rivista Studi di Memofonte, la cui pubblicazione è prevista per luglio 2014.
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The Mobile Spectator: Viewing on the Move, até 1 de Dezembro
The University of Nottingham, Department of Art History, July 4 - 06, 2014.
Please send proposals of up to 200 words and C.V. to: Ting Chang ( and Richard Wrigley (
 ) by 1 December 2013.

Contemporary Art versus Individual Memory, até 8 de Dezembro
The International Cultural Centre (ICC) Krakow invites submissions for an academic session accompanying its exhibition Memory. Registers and territory. The session will be held on 2 April 2014 at the ICC. 
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De l’Écriture et des Fragments: Littérature, Culture, Arts, até 15 de Dezembro
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At Work in the Archive, até 15 de Dezembro
Norwich, University of East Anglia, School of Art History and World Art Studies in the Sainsbury Institute for Art, May 8 - 09, 2014.
Please submit your (maximum) 300-word proposal for an unpublished paper and a short CV (maximum 2 pages) by 15 December 2013 to Ferdinand de Jong ( and Rania Jaber ( Acceptance of your paper will be notified by 15 January 2014. For a limited number of speakers, especially from the Global South, travel and accommodation will be taken in charge by the AHRC Research Network 'Utopian Archives'.

The Enlightened Image: History and Uses of Projection, até 6 de Janeiro de 2014
Organised by Joanne Lalonde, Vincent Lavoie and Érika Wicky (Department of Art History, UQAM), this conference is held under the auspices of RADICAL (Repères pour une articulation des dimensions culturelles, artistiques et littéraires de l'imaginaire contemporain), a component of FIGURA, centre de recherche sur le texte et l’imaginaire. 300 words proposal in English or in French, with a brief CV, should be submitted by the 6th January 2014 to

Shimmering World: Gloss, Sheen and the Politics of Production Values in Contemporary Art, até 7 de Janeiro de 2014
University of Manchester, April 25, 2014.
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Romantic Subversions of Soviet Enlightenment. Questioning Socialism's Reason, até 20 de Janeiro de 2014
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Exchanging Photographs, Making Knowledge (1890-1970), até 26 de Janeiro de 2014
For future information follow us on Twitter @PHRC_DeMontfort and Like our Facebook page:

"Beyond Boundaries. Artists and Art Critics from Central and Eastern Europe in the West", RIHA Journal, até 28 de Fevereiro de 2014
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Adversity and Creation, até 30 de Abril de 2014
Completed papers, no longer than 4000 words / 25000 characters (with spaces) will be given priority, around the topic "Adversity and Creation" as well as on the links between Merleau-Ponty and contemporary issues. Please format papers for blind review and send with a cover letter to the conference director at
The conference features the annual M. C. Dillon Memorial Lecture – an honor and monetary award for the best graduate student submission.
Graduate students who wish to be considered for the Dillon award should indicate this in their cover letter.

Coleccionar Arte: Conversas a partir de Colecções Particulares, com Francisco Capelo e Carlos Bessa Pereira, 21 de Novembro, 18h30, MNAC - Museu do Chiado, Lisboa
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Conferência "Os Frutos e os Símbolos: A Representação do Pêssego, do Cidrão e da Romã na Porcelana Chinesa", 26 de Novembro, 18H30, Casa-Museu Dr. Anastácio Gonçalves, Lisboa
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Conferência “Uma Viagem pelos Museus”, com Rui Vilar,  28 de Novembro, 18h30, Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis, Porto
O Núcleo do Porto do Centro Nacional de Cultura, o Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis e o Círculo Dr. José de Figueiredo/Amigos MNSR convidam a assistir a esta conferência, de entrada livre.

Lançamento da Revista Digital Rossio. Estudos de Lisboa, N.º 2, 28 de Novembro, 18h, Espaço Vestigius, Lisboa
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II Seminário de Estudos Arquitectura Tardo-Gótica em Portugal "A Viagem dos Mestres: Ideias, Técnicas e Formas. Aprendizagens", 28 de Novembro, 10h às 18h, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
Este II Seminário de Estudos procura ser um espaço de reflexão e debate sobre diversos aspectos da arte portuguesa tardo-gótica, nomeadamente a entrada é gratuita, sujeita a inscrição prévia.
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IX Jornadas de Arte e Ciência da Universidade Católica Portuguesa e V Jornadas da Associação dos Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugal, 29 e 30 de Novembro, Escola das Artes da Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Porto
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Workshop "What Was Early Modernity? The Meaning of Being Moderns (1400-1800), 9 a 13 de Dezembro, Warburg Institute, Londres, Reino Unido
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