quarta-feira, 2 de janeiro de 2013


Palestra "Para além da Idade Média: o Castelo de Abrantes entre os Séculos XV-XIX", por Gustavo Portocarrero, 5 de Janeiro de 2013, 17h, Centro Cultural de Vila Nova da Barquinha
ntrada livre.
+ info: www.cm-vnbarquinha.pt/pt/conteudos/Eventos/4c8bea93-6e99-48e2-8af1-9ff079ac8a42.htm

VI Curso de História Militar "A Guerra no Renascimento - Terra", a partir de 16 de Janeiro de 2013, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa
Centro de História da FLUL, através dos seus grupos de investigação História Militar e das Relações Internacionais e Mundos Novos: Expansão Europeia e Conexões Mundiais, vem por este meio divulgar o VI Curso de História Militar «A Guerra no Renascimento - Terra», coordenado pelos Professores Doutores Francisco Contente Domingues e José Varandas. O Curso consta de cinco sessões, que decorrerão todas as quartas-feiras, de 16 de Janeiro a 13 de Fevereiro de 2012, entre as 18h00 e as 20h00, no Anfiteatro III da FLUL.
+ info: www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=453115874747972&set=a.317826204943607.73994.228724300520465&type=1&theater

Workshop "Global Gifts: Material Cultures of European-Asian Diplomacy, 1500-1800", 25 de Janeiro de 2013, Birkbeck College, University of London, Reino Unido
one-day workshop at Birkbeck in collaboration with the Global History and Culture Centre (Warwick) and the Centre for Overseas History (Lisbon).
This workshop aims to enquire into the material and aesthetic culture of diplomatic negotiations between Europe and Asia before 1800. Participants will discuss the making and exchanging of diplomatic gifts, focusing on how objects furthered dialogues (or not), and to what extent they mobilized mutually intelligible ideas on economic and aesthetic value across cultural boundaries. We will explore why ivories from Sri Lanka were valued in Renaissance Europe, what the Jesuits found to be the most adequate gifts in China, how Muslims and Christians exchanged artefacts in a time of religious strife, and why paintings offered as gifts by the British were not particularly appreciated in eighteenth-century India. We invite everyone interested in Global Arts and culture, the circulation of objects, ideas and values in the Early Modern world, museums, collections and cross-cultural dialogues to join us in the library of John Maynard Keynes at Birkbeck’s School of Arts in Bloomsbury, London. Beyond the aim of gathering academics, curators and students interested in Global Arts and the future of Global Visual Studies, this event provides a forum for the discussion of projects and methodologies in a new field of historical research.
Free event.
+ info:

Conferência Internacional "European Portrait Miniatures: Artists, Functions and Collections", 25 a 27 de Janeiro de 2013, Celle Castle, Alemanha
he conference is being held on the occasion of the opening of the fifth exhibition of the Tansey Collection and the publication of the accompanying catalogue 'Miniatures from the Time of Marie-Antoinette in the Tansey Collection' on 25 January 2013.
+ info:

Conferência "Architectural Electives Affinities; Correspondences, Transfers, Multi/Interdisciplinarity", 20 a 23 de Março de 2013,
Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil
We are very pleased to announce you all the opening of the Early Registration for the Conference. Till January, 5th you may take advantage of the discounts compared with the standard registration fees. Please, do so at
The main goal of this meeting is to bring together the Brazilian scholars and the world-wide members of the European Architectural History Network (EAHN) in an open dialogue, sharing subjects of common interest as well as methodological approaches. While the theme of the conference reflects this openness, it represents meanwhile a founding topic for the history of Brazil and of other Latin-American countries, also echoing similar situations in other places on the globe. Correspondeces, transfers, circulation and migration – of people and ideas – have been fundamental in human culture, architecture included, and are crucial in understanding the relations between Europe and Americas. It is important for the first conference of the EAHN outside Europe to embrace such topics which constitute practically an illustration of one of its major goals: fostering inclusive, transnational, interdisciplinary and multicultural approaches to the history of the building environment.
+ info: www.fau.usp.br/eahn2013/

Colóquio "O Património Industrial: dos Objectos ao Território”, 21 a 23 de Março de 2013, Universidade de Évora
rganização CIDEHUS-UÉ. Conferencistas convidados; Julián Sobrino (Universidad de Sevilla) Los Paisajes de la Producción: industria, memoria y lugar; Inmaculada Aguilar Civera (Universidad de Valencia- Cátedra Demetrio Ribes) Concepto y método en el análisis del patrimonio arquitectónico industrial; Marta C. Lourenço, Museu Nacional de História Natural e da Ciência CIUHCT, Universidade de Lisboa Património da Ciência: Iniciativas e desenvolvimentos recentes na Europa e em Portugal. No início de Janeiro serão divulgadas as informações sobre o convite a comunicações.
+ info: http://i-heritage-alentejo.blogspot.be/p/destaques.html

Curso "International Heritage Course: Challenging Eternity", 3 a 13 de Junho de 2013 (inscrições até 20 de Janeiro de 2013), Roma, Itália
ome is the city par excellence to study the complex interrelations between urban development, politics and the preservation and transformation of cultural heritage. The aim of this course is a better understanding of the historical roles that cultural heritage has ulfilled within the broader framework of national and European identity construction. Next to that, the students develop their own view of how ancient and recent heritage can be preserved and transformed within a setting of urban dynamism and rapid transformations.
The course is open for MA students from all universities with an interest in the relation between Archaeology, (Art-) History, Heritage Studies and Urban Planning and Urban or Landscape Design. Students are asked to write an application letter, containing their motivation, education, c.v. and list of marks and to fill in an application form.
+ info: www.let.vu.nl/nl/nieuws-agenda/agenda/2013/april-juni/index.asp


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